The Pros and Cons of Using AI in Bid Writing

Over the last couple of years, AI has taken the world by storm. While there are concerns to be had, some of the benefits it provides in almost all areas of business cannot be ignored.

Bid writing is no exception to this, but where can it support us and where should it be avoided? We explore the pros and cons of using AI in this unique field.


1. Streamlining Administration

AI can handle a significant amount of the repetitive and time-consuming tasks associated with bid writing, leaving bid writers to focus on the more creative side. Tasks like data entry, formatting documents and retrieving information used in previous bids can really streamline the early stages of a project. This streamlining can lead to faster turnaround times and reduced administrative overhead.

With many businesses not having a dedicated team or even an individual to focus on bids, AI tools can save time when bidding, meaning your team members aren’t pulled away from their other responsibilities for too long. These tools may not be as effective at optimising your bid process as outsourcing to a bid writing company, but they can certainly help.

2. Removing Human Error

Human error in bid writing can be costly, leading to misunderstandings, missed opportunities or even compliance issues. AI tools can mitigate these risks by ensuring consistency and accuracy. Many bid writers use them to check bids that have already been written. AI can check for common errors and ensure that all required sections are included and are correctly formatted.

This is arguably one of the biggest pros of AI. By having their work checked by AI, writers can ensure their bid is error free without the potential risks that come with having AI actually write the bid.

3. Detailed Analysis

AI excels at processing and analysing large volumes of data quickly and accurately. In bid writing, this capability can be used to analyse past bid performance and then identify patterns to avoid repeat mistakes that have cropped up in the past. If several buyers have highlighted an issue in your response, AI can help you avoid repeating this going forward.


1. Lack of Creativity

An undeniable drawback of AI in bid writing is its lack of creativity. Crafting compelling narratives, persuasive arguments and unique value propositions requires a level of creativity and human touch that AI currently cannot replicate (and hopefully never will) – particularly if you want to stand out amongst your competitors.

Whilst AI can generate content based on data, it often lacks the nuanced understanding needed to create truly engaging and original proposals. Therefore, it’s important for businesses exploring AI to understand its limitations and always have people at hand to add that all-important creative spin.

2. Limited Understanding

AI systems operate based on the data and rules they are programmed with, which can limit their ability to fully understand the context and nuances of a bid. This limitation means that AI might miss out on the unique requirements of a proposal, potentially leading to generic or misaligned responses. Human expertise is essential to interpret and tailor content to meet the specific needs of each bid.

3. Cost

Implementing AI technology can be expensive, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises. The initial investment in AI tools, along with ongoing costs for maintenance, can be significant. For some organisations, the financial burden may outweigh the potential benefits, making it a less viable option compared to traditional bid writing methods.

Final thoughts

The integration of AI in bid writing offers a blend of promising advantages but is not without its notable challenges. While AI can significantly enhance efficiency, it falls short in areas requiring creativity, nuanced understanding and can be cost-prohibitive. Organisations must carefully weigh up these pros and cons to determine the extent to which AI should be incorporated into their bid writing processes.

If you think you might need some extra help to get your business to where it needs to be, bid-wise, email Winning Tenders at or call us at 01392 247997. We are a customer-focussed, award-winning business with a wealth of experience and knowledge. We offer bespoke solutions for any size of business.

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