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Changes in Public Procurement for 2023

Did you know that Public Procurement is due to be changing in 2023? The good news is that the changes are designed to benefit SMEs.

So, why is it changing?

And what will the changes mean?

These are all positive changes (and in some cases are happening already). Opening up public procurement to new entrants is critical, especially in cutting edge technologies where the health sector is involved.

The key to it all must be simplicity in process. This doesn’t mean the simplicity in winning business of course as it will still be a competitive environment that requires bidders to stand out, but if the process is simplified and consistent it will ensure potential bidders aren’t scared off before they start.

Winning Tenders will continue to keep abreast of developments and update our clients and connections accordingly, ahead of ‘Go-Live’, which is anticipated to be Autumn 2023.

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